Thursday, March 17, 2011

Enable root login in GDM3

Recently, Debian has Released their next stable version (version 6) codename squeeze.
So, I updated my computer from lenny to squeeze. This has updated GDM to GDM3 the next generation
gnome display manager (as they say it).
But after that I'm missing the old GDM. Its themes, the old gdmsetup tool, and event the option to allow
login of local administrator. I had tried changing /etc/gdm3/daemaon.conf by adding a line AllowRoot=true
in the [Security] section.But without any help.

Today, i was checking the files given in the man of gdm3.
There is a file /etc/pam.d/gdm3
In it there is line that contains "user != root quiet_success"
Removing the "user != root" from that did the trick and I was able to login as root user in GDM3.


piotr said...

This doesn't work on Debian Wheezy.

dj_palindrome said...

Blogger - it's quiet_success, not quit.

Piotr - are you sure gdm3 is your default display manager

piotr said...

Sorry, it was gdm installed.
I've installed gdm3 and now it works well.


Unknown said...

@dj_palindrome : right I should have copied it from the file.

Anonymous said...

It worked!

Thanks man!

(a distro should not "decide" what's best for me, this regarding to the notorious ROOT logins)