Saturday, October 17, 2009

My works of 1st term

1.Logbook ADT - create an abstract data type for logbook.[download]
2.JParse -
JParse evaluates user expression till exit command.It supports variables.

jparse> 10-15/5
result: 7
jparse> b=1
jparse> a=b&&0

3.Program on Scheme
a)Binary Search Tree
b)List sum using lazy evaluation
c)Set operations:equal? , union , intersection.[download]
d)Breath First Search [download]

4.Weighted graph [download]
5.HashTable in java [download]
6.Jparse with exceptions to catch errors [download]
7.Presentation on Perl
example of my and local variables.[download]
A program that reads csv file an output it.[download]

8.Program to simulate given dfa.[download]
9.Program of cyk algorihtm. [download]

10.8 queen problem.[download]
11.combination generating.[download]
12.Square root.[download]
13.program in prolog to get listlength.[download]

All these are tested working under debian 5.

That's it for now.

Another thing wishing everyone Happy Diwali.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Puja Vacation

After the exams the puja vacations have started.

Now a bit of free time to chill.

So I am uploaing all my assignments on net.

BTW happy puja to all.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

At last

At last after a long time I have decided to post to my blog.
I was thinking about this for a long time but the problem was taking the first step.

It's been quite a while till my last post ,about seven months.Many things have changed in this duration.Many unexpected things also have happened.

Currently studying at Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University with M.Sc. in Computer Science.So I get very little time in doing all this.Yet I have decided to post on my blog as much as possible, though I think it would not be much but more than my previous posting frequency.

I hope I can post more.
So till my next post bye all.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Happy New Year

Hello everybody out there.
A new year have come again.
Like every year the last year also rushed away and only a few of our resolutions have been implemented in our life.
But never the less a new year means new hope new resolutions(again).
So lets hope for the best cause this year is a crucial year for me.As it will decide my future.