Saturday, May 03, 2014

IEEEXplore query API

Recently I was searching on the internet if it is possible to query IEEEXplore to extract keywords of the articles. I was searching for IEEEXplore APIs and without searching much I found this great site maintained by the folks at mit -
This page lists some web repositories of that provides scholarly articles and link to APIs documentations.

From there I found that IEEEXplore provides one such API and you need to have access to the articles to get the results. That was not a problem for me as my institution already have IEEEXplore subscription. And here is the link to the API documentation -

So, I wrote some scripts that gets the XML records based on year and publication number and just prints them. Another one just opens the xml file and prints frequency count of the keywords.
Here is a link to the files on google drive.

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