Saturday, October 17, 2009

My works of 1st term

1.Logbook ADT - create an abstract data type for logbook.[download]
2.JParse -
JParse evaluates user expression till exit command.It supports variables.

jparse> 10-15/5
result: 7
jparse> b=1
jparse> a=b&&0

3.Program on Scheme
a)Binary Search Tree
b)List sum using lazy evaluation
c)Set operations:equal? , union , intersection.[download]
d)Breath First Search [download]

4.Weighted graph [download]
5.HashTable in java [download]
6.Jparse with exceptions to catch errors [download]
7.Presentation on Perl
example of my and local variables.[download]
A program that reads csv file an output it.[download]

8.Program to simulate given dfa.[download]
9.Program of cyk algorihtm. [download]

10.8 queen problem.[download]
11.combination generating.[download]
12.Square root.[download]
13.program in prolog to get listlength.[download]

All these are tested working under debian 5.

That's it for now.

Another thing wishing everyone Happy Diwali.